A downloadable game for Windows

Other Controls: 

  • (1) to reset player settings. i.e. reset mouse sensitivity in options menu

Known Issues: 

Loading the village scene after the tutorial is VERY SLOW for some reason.

Phytomass doesn't affect procedural flora generation

Texture doesn't render in procedural terrain generation

Player gets stuck or falls through in the procedurally generated world sometimes

Possible Gameplay Features & Fixes:

To make a more interesting game loop have the procedurally generated world be possibly stealth based where a spotlight tracks and decreases your brain activity, when you've been caught 'under the light'.

Stylistically make the forest dark where you can only see with a lantern, making navigating the procedural world way more interesting (suggestion from a playtest review).

Add minigames to separate out phytomass (propogation) into it's own category

build a research 'game feature' that allows the player to increase the samples they get instead of just spending samples. maybe puzzle based to counteract the planned rush feeling of collecting samples in the procedural world

Upgrade tools to decrease brain activity cost for researching. the tools affect reflect as new cursor icons in minigames and you would have to use the correct tools to decrease energy cost


Grim Harvest Final.zip 140 MB
Grim Harvest V4.zip 140 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip folder, extract it, and run the grim harvest file


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  • Is the goal of the game obvious? How descriptive of a tutorial is needed?
    • The goal was not clear. I had to make sure i was reviewing the itch.io page to see what did what.
    • So if my goal is to collect as much Phytomass as possible (according to the description on the website), what obstacles am i trying to overcome? At one point i was no longer able to collect items, so i swapped worlds and i could collect items from there. 
      • So what is the reason to swap worlds? (also swapping refreshed the plant interaction, so i could keep swapping, but i dont think that is the most efficient use of time).
  • How's the minigame? Is it rewarding/punishing enough?
    • It took me a while to figure out how the mini-game works (and even then i am not 100% sure i understand exactly). I wasnt aware the goal was to move the slider to the threshold, THEN release the button.
    • i did enjoy the challenge of trying to get as many samples within the timelimit. I also liked the visual feedback that i was in the right range.
  • Glaring issues with the village?
    • I was not sure what the purpose of the village was.
  • Does the music fit the world? Any suggestions for music? (it plays a song from a playlist at random every 5 minutes)
    • I never heard music
  • Anything Else?
    • I think there are some fun mechanics at play. I liked trying to get as many samples as i could. I do think the interaction boxes on the plants could be more forgiving though. I like the idea of swapping between the worlds, i am just not seeing what your ultimate intentions with it were.